Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Some Online Marketing Products

While I don't usually buy online marketing products, lately I have decided to give one a go just to see what was in stock. Generally I'm always open to learning something new though and this particular product has received quite good reviews anyway so I decided to buy it..

The product is called Adsense $100k BluePrint and is about building an adsense powered website online.

When I buy stuff like this it's kind of like buying a book at amazon for me. I pick the type of book that seems to be the most value for the money and also glance at the reviews given to it. So in this sense, the value is in the information and how it can be applied to my own every day life.

So I purchased it through clickbank.

The product itself consists of a 100 page ebook, along with instructional videos (which I frankly have not found very useful) and also two wordpress themes that are optimized for the sake of the example.

I think the greatest value is in the ebook itself though and also in the themes because they illustrate some interesting concepts. Particularly in the sense of ad placement and how the theme is optimized for SEO (with keywords under each article, title links, pages in the sitemat along with other things)

Some things to know: the buying process. Once you complete your secure payment through the clickbank system, you will get an email with the download link. There you can download all the materials included in the package. Once you have downloaded the files, you can use them as many times as you like for your own projects. So that's good.

You can find the product on the purchase page here (look! I even made a nice looking button for you) :-)

I'm not quite sure if there is a refund guarantee. Although I don't think that you would need it anyway. Even if you are not going to work the system on a day to day basis then you will still gain valuable knowledge on some of the ways that you can make money online using the google adsense program.

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